Permission for Re-entry

再入国許可 / Permission for Re-entry


If you are leaving Japan for more than one year but plan to return, you must obtain permission for re-entry to ensure that your status of residence does not lapse. There are two types of re-entry permits, providing for single or multiple re-entry.
If you are leaving Japan for a period under one year, you may apply for a re-entry card (ED card) from the Immigration officer when you leave Japan and you do not have to go through the process of applying for a re-entry permit. The Specialists at Happy Japan Visa provide e-mail consultation related to re-entry permits.

Request Process


Free initial e-mail consultationMeeting with administrative specialistWritten request for service (contract)Confirmation of paymentPreparation of application materialsApplication for Permission for Re-entry

Terms Pertaining to Re-entry Permission

  • 原則として日本を離れる期間は1年~5年
  • 許可された期間内に日本に戻らない場合は在留資格は失効
  • 1回のみ再入国可能な許可と何回も再入国可能な許可を選択可能
  • In principle, 1 to 5 years away from Japan
  • Failure to return to Japan within the permitted period will result in expiration of residence status
  • Selection of single or multiple re-entry permits.

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