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新在留資格 概要(法務省資料より) 備考
特定技能1号 不足する人材を確保を図るべき産業上の分野に属する相当程度の知識又は経験を要する技能を要する業務に従事する外国人向けの在留資格 在留期間:通算5年まで
同分野に属する熟練した技能を要する業 務に従事する外国人向けの在留資格 在留期間:更新上限なし



介護 5,000 60,000
外食 5,000 53,000
建設 6,000 40,000
ビルクリーニング 7,000 37,000
農業 7,300 36,500
食料品製造業 6,800 34,000
宿泊 1,050 22,000
素形材産業 4,300 21,500
造船・舶用工業 1,700 13,000
漁業 800 9,000
自動車整備 800 7,000
産業機械製造 1,050 5,250
電気・電子情報関連産業 650 4,700
航空 100 2,200
  合計:47,550 合計:345,150


出入国管理法 改正について

出入国管理法 改正について






1 在留資格「特定技能1号」「特定技能2号」の創設

(1) 特定技能1号:不足する人材の確保を図るべき産業上の分野に属する相当程度の知識又は経験を要する技能を要する業務に従事する外国人向けの在留資格

(2) 特定技能2号:同分野に属する熟練した技能を要する業務に従事する外国人向けの在留資格


2 受入れのプロセス等に関する規定の整備

(1) 分野横断的な方針を明らかにするための「基本方針」(閣議決定)に関する規定

(2) 受入れ分野ごとの方針を明らかにするための「分野別運用方針」に関する規定

(3) 具体的な分野名等を法務省令で定めるための規定

(4) 特定技能外国人が入国する際や受入れ機関等を変更す


(5) 受入れの一時停止が必要となった場合の規定


3 外国人に対する支援に関する規定の整備

(1) 受入れ機関に対し、支援計画を作成し、支援計画に基づいて、特定技能1号外国人に対する日常生活上、職業生活上又は社会生活上の支援を実施することを求める。

(2) 支援計画は、所要の基準に適合することを求める。


4 受入れ機関に関する規定の整備

(1) 特定技能外国人の報酬額が日本人と同等以上であることなどを確保するため、特定技能外国人と受入れ機関との間の雇用契約は、所要の基準に適合することを求める。

(2) ①雇用契約の適正な履行や②支援計画の適正な実施が確保されるための所要の基準に適合することを求める。


5 登録支援機関に関する規定の整備

(1) 受入れ機関は、特定技能1号外国人に対する支援を登録支援機関に委託すれば、4⑵②の基準に適合するものとみなされる。

(2) 委託を受けて特定技能1号外国人に対する支援を行う者は、出入国在留管理庁長官の登録を受けることができる。

(3) その他登録に関する諸規定


6 届出、指導・助言、報告等に関する規定の整備

(1) 外国人、受入れ機関及び登録支援機関による出入国在留管理庁長官に対する届出規定

(2) 出入国在留管理庁長官による受入れ機関及び登録支援機関に対する指導・助言規定、報告徴収規定等

(3) 出入国在留管理庁長官による受入れ機関に対する改善命令規定


7 特定技能2号外国人の配偶者及び子に対し在留資格を付与することを可能とする規定の整備


8 その他関連する手続・罰則等の整備






留学生の外国人が卒業・就職活動・就職をする前は~ビザ変更(在留資格変更届)を行いましょう。International students must change their visa (change to status of residence) when graduating, job hunting and starting work

After graduating, you must change from a student visa.




Foreigners with a student visa must change their status of residence after graduating from a school in Japan if they wish to remain in the country and are no longer students. This change can be done with an “Application to Change the Status of Residence”.

When starting work in a Japanese company, you will need to change your visa from a student visa to a visa appropriate for the job that you will do, for example, an Engineer/Humanities/International Services visa.
In the event that you have received a job offer, but the date of joining the company is several months after you graduate school, you must change to a “Designated Activities (Standby)” visa.
Those who want to continue job hunting must change their status of residence to “Designated Activities (Job Hunting)”.
Of course, once you are ready to start work, you must change your status of residence from these to that appropriate to that of the company at which you will work.

Don’t forget to change your visa when graduating/job hunting/starting work.


There is an examination when changing your visa (changing the status of residence)



Even if you have a job offer from a Japanese company, it is necessary to have the Immigration Department give you permission to change your visa. You cannot work at the company unless your application to change your status of residence is accepted.

The examination focuses on whether the job is appropriate considering your past activities in Japan, and the following factors are considered.
・The academic history (major, research etc.) and work history of the applicant
・Whether the applicant can use their knowledge and skills in the job
・Whether the compensation is adequate
・Whether the company is reliable not expected to cease to exist etc.


Once you have changed your visa, obtain a Certificate for Qualification for Employment




Once you have changed your visa, obtain a Certificate for Qualification for Employment.
This document, issued by the Immigration Department, proves that the company at which you work is appropriate for your visa status. It has the following benefits.

・Allows the foreigner peace of mind in continuing their work
・Allows the company to have peace of mind when hiring the foreigner
・Makes visa renewal procedures easier (as you will have passed an examination when applying for the certificate)

We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we can assist foreigners graduating/job hunting/entering a company with applying for changes to their visa (status of residence). Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services if you have any questions.

外国人が日本で就職・転職をした場合~就労資格証明書を取得しましょうWhen starting or changing jobs in Japan – Be sure to obtain a certificate of qualification for employment

For peace of mind: the Certificate for Qualification of Employment


Be sure to get a certificate for qualification for employment when starting or changing a job in Japan.
The certificate is a document issued by the Immigration Department that shows that you are permitted to work at the company that you have entered.
In other words, it certifies that there is no issue with your status of residence.


Benefits of the certificate of qualification for employment



The certificate is issued by the Immigration Department to prove that you are legally permitted to work at such a company, so it has many benefits.

・Allows the foreigner peace of mind in continuing their work
・Allows the company to have peace of mind when hiring the foreigner
・Makes visa renewal procedures easier (as you will have passed an examination when applying for the certificate)


Don’t forget to check your status of residence and apply for a certificate of qualification for employment.



We recommend that you obtain a certificate of qualification for employment when you start a new job or change jobs.
However, please be aware that it is necessary to confirm that the job/company that you will work for is in line with the requirements of your status of residence. In the event that they do not, it is necessary to apply to change your status of residence.
At Japan Visa, we assist foreign residents in obtaining certificates of qualification of employment when they change jobs or start a new one.

We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we assist foreign residents in obtaining certificates of qualification of employment when they change jobs or start a new one. Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services if you have any questions.

日本に外国人を呼び寄せたい場合~あらかじめ在留資格認定証明書を取得しましょうWhen you wish to have a foreigner come to Japan, obtain a Certificate of Eligibility first!

The Certificate of Eligibility must be obtained before arrival in Japan.


When a foreigner intends to travel to Japan, they must first obtain a certificate that proves that they meet the requirements to enter the country.
This is called a “Certificate of Eligibility” (COE).


With a Certificate of Eligibility, a foreigner can be assured of getting a visa and being allowed into Japan.


If a foreigner has a Certificate of Eligibility before arrival in Japan, they can start the visa application process at their local Japanese consulate before arrival, which ensures a speedy visa issuance.
Additionally, by showing the Certificate of Eligibility to the immigration office on arrival in Japan, it can be seen that the person has passed the requirements for entry to Japan, and they will be allowed in the country with ease.


When do you need to obtain one?





The Certificate of Eligibility should be obtained when you are assisting a foreigner to come to Japan.

For example, it is effective if you obtain it in the following situations.
・When your company has hired a foreigner who is coming to work in Japan
・When your school has enrolled a foreigner who is coming to study in Japan
・When a foreigner living in Japan wants to invite their family to live with them.

In the above cases, obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility in advance will make for a smooth immigration and visa process.

We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we assist you in procedures relating to the obtainment of the Certificate of Eligibility for foreigners coming to work, study or be with family in Japan.
Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services.

日本からの一時出国。また日本に入国する時のため~忘れずに取得しよう「再入国許可」Leaving Japan temporarily – don’t forget to get re-entry permission for your return!

What is re-entry permission?


Re-entry permission must be obtained by foreigners who are leaving Japan temporarily, before they leave the country.
Foreigners who have re-entry permission when leaving the country are not required to re-apply for a visa upon returning to Japan.
They are permitted to continue using the status of residence that they had before leaving the country.


Beware! Leaving the country without a re-entry permit results in losing your status of residence.


Foreigners who leave Japan without a re-entry permit lose their status of residence and period of stay.
In other words, if you wish to return to Japan, you must apply for a new visa as though you are entering for the first time, which requires obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) in addition to a new visa.
For example, even those with a Permanent Resident (no expiry) visa, will lose their permanent residency if they leave the country without a re-entry permit.
When reapplying for a visa, they will need to apply for one with restrictions on work and duration, which is a significant disadvantage.
As you can see, it is essential to obtain re-entry permission.


There are 2 types of re-entry permission


Re-entry permits can be divided into two types – A one-time use re-entry permit, and one that can be used as many times as necessary before the expiry date.
This expiry date is within the length of stay of the status of residence, and is 5 years (or 6 for special permanent residents) at the latest.
Additionally, there are circumstances in which it can be extended for a year, as long as it is still within the length of stay of the status of residence.


Exceptions for re-entry within 1 year

在留カードを所持している外国人が、出国後1年(特別永住者は2年。在留期限が残り1年以内の場合はその在留期限)以内に再入国し、日本での活動を継続する見込みのある場合は、例外的に、出国時に「みなし再入国許可による出国」を希望する旨を申告(英語: Indicate ones intention of departure by the Special Re-entry Permit System.)すると、再入国許可を受けて出国したものと扱われます。


Foreigners with a residence card who are returning to Japan within 1 year (2 years for special permanent residents, or the expiry date of the status of residence for those with less than a year left) to continue their designated activities may request Special Re-entry Permit permission when leaving the country. This is the same as having applied for a re-entry permit.
Forgetting to request this, or not returning to the country in a year (2 years for special permanent residents, or the expiry date of the status of residence for those with less than a year left) will result in losing your status of residence.

We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we are happy to help you with questions or applications for both types of re-entry permits. Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services if you have any questions.

結婚したらご相談ください~在留資格:日本人の配偶者等(例:結婚ビザ)についてPlease feel free to contact us about visas if you get married ~About the status of residence: Spouse or Child of Japanese National (e.g.Spousal Visa).


Foreigners who marry a Japanese person and wish to live in Japan can obtain a spouse of Japanese national status of residence from the Immigration Department.
We will explain about this status of residence with marriage as an example.


Applicable parties


The status of residence of Spouse or Child of Japanese National is applicable to the following;
・Spouse of Japanese National (Spousal Visa)
・Biological children of Japanese National
・Specially adopted child of Japanese National (Determined by civil law in Japan)


Immigration Bureau conditions (Spousal Visa)






There are various conditions that you must suffice when you apply for the Spouse or Child of Japanese National status of residence.

・The couple must have enough income to live on comfortably.
There is a possibility that your application could be rejected if both parties are yet to find a job, or are employed as contract, temporary or part time employees. This can also apply if it has not been long since both parties started a new job.

・The applicants must have no criminal record

・It must be a real/genuine marriage (not a marriage for visa purposes etc.)
There is a possibility that your application could be rejected if there is too much of an age gap, or if you met your partner through an intermediary service or online dating, or if you are getting married unusually quickly after meeting. This also applies if the Japanese spouse has a history of divorcing foreign persons, or if the foreign spouse has a history divorcing Japanese, if the foreigner has made a false declaration on a visa declaration in the past, or if if foreigner is engaged in illegal activities that will continue after marriage.

In other words, even if the Japanese and foreign national have both submitted marriage registration, it is essential that they have enough income, have no criminal history and have a genuine marriage to receive permission for the spousal visa and live as a married couple in Japan.


The benefits of the Spousal Visa




The status of residence of Spouse or Child of Japanese National has strict conditions to obtain from the Immigration Bureau, but the visa has many advantages.

①No restrictions on work
Most other status of residence restrict part time unskilled labor. They also prevent foreign nationals from changing companies by requiring changes to the status of residence when they do. However, the Spouse or Child of a Japanese National visa has no restrictions on the type of work you can do, and you can freely change jobs and do part time work.

②Easy to upgrade to a Permanent Resident visa
Foreigners with a Japanese spouse can apply for Permanent Residency as long as the following conditions are met.
・The duration of the Spousal Visa is 3 years
・Full married life has continued for at least 3 years
・At least 1 year has been lived in Japan
The Permanent Residency visa has no expiry, so it is very beneficial to have.


Disadvantages of the Spousal Visa





While this visa has many merits, it also has some disadvantages.

①Restrictions to the duration
This visa has only two durations – 1 year and 3 years.
If you would like to continue living in Japan after the visa expires, you must apply for renewal.
You can apply to renew the visa from 2 months prior to expiry.

②When applying for and renewing your visa, you must answer private questions
Questions such as how you met your partner, who you have dated before etc. may be asked in order to determine that you marriage is legitimate when applying for the Spousal visa. You must explain in detail how you met, dated and decided to marry in order to be eligible for the visa.

As you can see from the above, it is very difficult to explain and provide proof when applying for the spousal visa.
We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), those who need assistance in applying for marriage visas such as the Spousal Visa. Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services.

介護ビザについてAbout Care Worker visas


To obtain a care worker visa, it is necessary to have graduated from a vocational school that allows for the obtaining of a Japanese care worker certification, and to hold this certification.
Additionally, the applicant must have been trained in care taking at a vocational school for more than 2 years, or more than 1 year if they had already studied care taking at a university or training facility beforehand.
Due to these requirements, it is necessary for foreigners who wish to apply for the care worker visa to first obtain a student visa. They can then come to Japan and study at a vocational school to obtain the necessary certifications before applying for a care worker visa.


Other requirements include the following;
・Been offered a position at a Japanese care facility
・Be going to work in care taking
・Be going to receive equal or higher pay than a Japanese employee would


We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we support your application for a care worker visa. For questions about Care Worker Visas, feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services.

外国人留学生のアルバイトは注意~入国管理局に事前許可が必要ですAttention! International students are required to obtain prior permission from the Immigration Bureau to work part-time

Prior permission from the Immigration Bureau (Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence) is required.



If an international student who has a “student visa” wishes to have a part-time job at a restaurant, factory, etc., they must obtain “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence” from the Immigration Bureau beforehand.
If you partake in part time work without obtaining permission beforehand, it will be seen as working illegally and can result in punishment, including forced deportation.

We have 4 conveniently located offices in Tokyo, Shinjuku, Yokohama and Shonan(Fujisawa), where we assist international students in applying to obtain “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence”. For questions about working part time in Japan as an international student, feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services.


How many hours can I work?



International students are limited to working a certain number of hours per week.
―As a rule, international students can work no more than 28 hours per week.
―During long school vacation periods (such as summer and winter holidays), they can work up to 8 hours per day, for a total of up to 40 hours per week.
Generally, international students can work part time up to 28 hours per week. During long vacations (such as summer and winter holidays), this is extended to up to 8 hours per day and up to 40 hours per week. For example, you cannot work 10 hours per day for four days a week.

Additionally, according to Japanese law, you must take at least one day off per week. Due to this, you may not work everyday for a week, even if the total amount worked is less than the limit.
Not abiding by these rules may lead to the work being illegal, so it is important to be careful when undertaking a part time job.
If it is discovered that you are working too much, it will be considered as a violation of the permission to engage in other activities, and can lead to difficulties getting your student visa renewed.


What types of work are allowed?


International students are not allowed to do any type of part time job.
For example, working at a place involved in sex or prostitution, such as a bar or cabaret, or a Pachinko parlor, Mahjong store or game center is not allowed. This is not limited to customer service in such places, but extends to dishwashing etc. and activities that promote such places such as handing out tissues etc.
Please be careful of what type of job you will do when deciding to start part time work.


How long does the permission last?


The expiry date for the permission to engage in part time work obtained from the Immigration Bureau is the same as your student visa.
As a result, if you would like to continue your part time job after renewing your visa, you will need to review the permission as well.
At Happy Japan Visa’s legal services, we can assist you with applying for and renewing student visas and part time work permission. International students should feel free to contact us about studvisas or part time work.


When Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence is required for those other than international students.




The “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted under the Status of Residence” is required not just for international students, but for all those who wish to partake in activities other than those permitted by their status of residence.
However, as an exception, those with the below status of residence can partake in part time work without prior permission.

Those with Permanent Residency, Spouse Visa, spouses of permanent residents, Long Term Residents, Special Permanent Residents

Please feel free to contact Happy Japan Visa’s legal services regarding questions about what visas require applications for permission, and what activities require permission.

法務省より 難民審査、厳格化に











