在留特別許可 / Special Permission to Stay in Japan
Even if a foreign national is deemed to fulfill a condition for deportation, special considerations, such as marriage to a Japanese national or permanent resident status, may result in a Special Permission to remain in Japan by discretion of the Minister of Justice of Japan.
It is advisable to apply for both Special Permission (to remain in Japan) and Provisional Release at the same time.
The Specialists at Happy Japan Visa provide e-mail consultation related to Special Permission to stay in Japan.
Request Process
メール相談 → 打ち合わせ(行政書士) → 依頼書の取り交わし → 入金確認 → 申請資料準備 → 在留特別許可申請
Free initial e-mail consultation → Meeting with administrative specialist → Written request for service (contract) → Confirmation of payment → Preparation of application materials → Application for Special Permission to Stay in Japan
Screening Criteria on Residence Special Permission
- 対象の外国人が、日本人の子または特別永住者の子である
- 対象の外国人が、日本人の子または特別永住者の未成年の実子を親権を有して扶養している
- 対象の外国人が、日本人または特別永住者と婚姻しており、実子を扶養している
- 対象の外国人が、難病者であり日本での治療が必要である
- One or both of applicant’s parents are Japanese nationals or special permanent residents.
- Applicant has parental rights over and supports his/her own child (or children) born between the applicant and a Japanese national and said child is a minor.
- When applicant is married to a Japanese national or a special permanent resident and supports a child (or children) born from this marriage.
- Applicant requires medical treatment in Japan for a serious illness.