ビザ変更 / Change of Visa Status
Any changes in your Status of Residence such as a new job or graduation from school leading to employment requires an application for change of visa status. Since the Immigration Bureau will thoroughly examine the applicant’s current living situation as well as the nature of the new job, it is important to be able to provide appropriate evidence regarding your living situation and the nature of your future employment.
The Specialists at Happy Japan Visa provide e-mail consultation related to change of visa status.
We also assist companies wishing to secure employment visas!
Request Process
メール相談 → 打ち合わせ(行政書士) → 依頼書の取り交わし → 入金確認 → 申請資料準備 → 変更ビザ申請
Free initial e-mail consultation → Meeting with administrative specialist → Written request for service (contract) → Confirmation of payment → Preparation of application materials → Application for Change of Visa Status
Required Documents (for those planning to work in Japan)
- 日本で就労予定の会社の労働条件通知書
- 日本で就労予定の会社の会社案内
- 日本で就労予定の会社の会社の決算書
- 日本で就労予定の会社の給与所得の法定調書合計票
- 履歴書、卒業証明書、実務経験を証する書面など
- Statement of terms of employment
- Company profile
- Company statement of accounts
- Total statutory written statements of company salary income
- Certificate of residence, graduation certificate, written evidence of work experience etc.